High Energy Proton-Proton collisions and Baryonium Dark Matter [CL]


The positive hyperon production asymmetries that have been measured at LHC are real demonstrations of string junction role in the baryon charge transfer at baryon production in HE proton-proton interactions. In order to invent the neutral heavy particle with zero baryon charge as a candidate for Dark Matter, it is necessary to turn back to the times of dual topological representation of hadron physics and pomeron theory. The topological presentation of pomeron exchange at the HE proton-proton collision is cylinder that is covered with quark-gluon net. Taking into account that the junction of three gluons (SJ) has the positive baryon number, as well as the antijunction {antiSJ) is of negative baryon charge, the neutral self-connected baryonium configuration with zero baryon charge is torus that is covered by a discrete number of hexagons with 3 string junction and 3 antijunction vertices each. The possibilities to observe such baryonium tori are discussed in this paper for three cases: collisions at p-p colliders, the cosmic particles interactions with atmosphere and in the relativistic jets at the Active Galaxy Nuclei as well.

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O. Piskounova
Wed, 16 Nov 22

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of NuDM2022