EIGER II. first spectroscopic characterisation of the young stars and ionised gas associated with strong H$β$ and [OIII] line-emission in galaxies at z=5-7 with JWST [GA]


We present emission-line measurements and physical interpretations for a sample of 117 [OIII] emitting galaxies at $z=5.33-6.93$, using the first deep JWST/NIRCam wide field slitless spectroscopic observations. Our 9.7-hour integration is centered upon the $z=6.3$ quasar J0100+2802 — the first of six fields targeted by the EIGER survey — and covers $\lambda=3-4$ microns. We detect 133 [OIII] doublets, but merge pairs within $\approx$10 kpc and 600 km s$^{-1}$, motivated by their small scale clustering excess. We detect H$\beta$ in 68 and H$\gamma$ in two galaxies. The galaxies are characterised by a UV luminosity M${\rm UV}\sim-19.7$ ($-17.7$ to $-22.3$), mass ~$10^8$ $(10^{6.8-9.8})$ M${\odot}$, H$\beta$ and [OIII] EWs $\approx$ 1000 Angstrom (up to 3000 Angstrom), young ages (~5 Myr), a highly excited interstellar medium ([OIII]/H$\beta\approx6$) and low dust attenuations. These high EWs are very rare in the local Universe, but we show they are ubiquitous at $z\sim6$ based on the measured number densities. The stacked spectrum reveals H$\gamma$ and [OIII]${4364}$ which shows that the galaxies are typically dust and metal poor (E(B-V)=0.1, 12+log(O/H)=7.4) with a high electron temperature ($2\times10^4$ K) and a high production efficiency of ionising photons ($\xi{\rm ion}=10^{25.6}$ Hz erg$^{-1}$). We further show the existence of a strong mass-metallicity relation as expected by simulations. The young highly ionising stellar populations, moderately low metallicities, low dust attenuations and high ionisation state in z~6 galaxies conspire to maximise the [OIII] output from galaxies, yielding an [OIII] luminosity density at z~6 that is significantly higher than at z~2, despite the order of magnitude decline in cosmic star formation. Thus, [OIII] emission-line surveys with JWST prove a highly efficient method to trace the galaxy density in the epoch of reionization.

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J. Matthee, R. Mackenzie, R. Simcoe, et. al.
Wed, 16 Nov 22

Comments: Submitted to ApJ. Main text 22 pages, 20 figures. Main results in Figs 14 (Xi_ion), 15 (MEx diagram),17 (MZR), 19 ([OIII] luminosity density). Comments welcome