Intrinsic dust and star-formation scaling relations in nearby galaxies [GA]

Following from our recent work, we present results of a detailed analysis of a representative sample of nearby galaxies. The photometric parameters of the morphological components are obtained from bulge-disk decompositions, using GALFIT software. The previously obtained method and library of numerical corrections for dust, decomposition and projection effects, are used to correct the measured (observed) parameters to intrinsic values. Observed and intrinsic galaxy dust and star-formation related scaling relations are presented, to emphasize the scale of the biases introduced by these effects. To understand the extent to which star-formation is distributed in the young stellar disks of galaxies, star-formation connected relations which rely on measurements of scale-lengths and fluxes / luminosities of H$\alpha$ images, are shown. The mean dust opacity, dust-to-stellar mass and dust-to-gas ratios of the sample, together with the main characteristics of the intrinsic relations are found to be consistent with values found in the literature.

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B. Pastrav
Mon, 14 Nov 22

Comments: 3 pages, 1 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 373 – “Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star-Formation in Galaxies”, 9-11 August 2022, Busan (South Korea)