Cosmic Hydrogen and Ice Loss Lines [EPA]

We explain the overall equilibrium-temperature-dependent trend in the exoplanet mass-radius diagram, using the escape mechanisms of hydrogen and relevant volatiles, and the chemical equilibrium calculation of molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) break-up into atomic hydrogen (H). We identify two Cosmic Hydrogen and Ice Loss Lines (CHILLs) in the mass-radius diagram. Gas disks are well known to disperse in ten million years. However, gas-rich planets may lose some or almost all gas on a much longer timescale. We thus hypothesize that most planets that are born out of a hydrogen-gas-dominated nebular disk begin by possessing a primordial H$_2$-envelope. This envelope is gradually lost due to escape processes caused by host-stellar radiation.

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L. Zeng and S. Jacobsen
Mon, 14 Nov 22

Comments: submitted to AAS Journals. Comments and suggestions welcome!