On the patchy appearance of the circum-Galactic medium and the influence of foreground absorption [HEAP]


Recent studies have demonstrated that the emission from the circumgalactic medium of the Milky Way displays a relatively high degree of patchiness on angular scales of $\sim10^\circ$. Taking advantage of the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS), we aim to constrain any variation in the soft X-ray surface brightness on scales going from sub-degree to a hundred square degrees. We observe modulations of about $60$% on scales of several degrees and decreasing for higher energies. The observed patchiness is stable over a period of two years, therefore excluding that it is induced by Solar wind charge exchange. We also observe no correlation between such excess and the density of galaxies in the Local Universe, suggesting no strong contribution from the hot baryons in the filaments of the Cosmic web. Instead, the soft X-ray emission is anti-correlated with the column density of absorbing material. Indeed, we can reproduce the spectrum of the bright and dark regions by simply varying the column density of the matter absorbing the emission components located beyond the Local Hot Bubble, while no modulation of the intrinsic emission is required. At high Galactic latitudes, the eROSITA all sky map shows patchiness of the soft X-ray diffuse emission similar to the one observed in the eFEDS field, it is therefore likely that the same “absorption-modulation” is present over the entire sky. These results highlight the importance of an accurate treatment of the absorption effects, to determine the patchiness of the circumgalactic medium.

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G. Ponti, J. Sanders, N. Locatelli, et. al.
Mon, 7 Nov 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics