Magnetically Dominated Disks in Tidal Disruption Events and Quasi-Periodic Eruptions [HEAP]

The classical radiation pressure instability has been a persistent theoretical feature of thin, radiatively efficient accretion disks with accretion rates 1 to 100 per cent of the Eddington rate. But there is only limited evidence of its occurrence in nature: rapid heartbeat oscillations of a few X-ray binaries and now, perhaps, the new class of hourly X-ray transients called quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs). The accretion disks formed in tidal disruption events (TDEs) have been observed to peacefully trespass through the range of unstable accretion rates without exhibiting any clear sign of the instability. We try to explain the occurrence or otherwise of this instability in these systems, by constructing steady state 1D models of thin magnetic accretion disks. The local magnetic pressure in the disk is assumed to be dominated by toroidal fields arising from a dynamo sourced by magneto-rotational instability (MRI). We choose a physically motivated criterion of MRI saturation, validated by recent magnetohydrodynamic simulations, to determine the strength of magnetic pressure in the disk. The resulting magnetic pressure support efficiently shrinks: (1) the parameter space of unstable mass accretion rates, explaining the absence of instability in systems such as TDEs and (2) the range of unstable radii in the inner accretion disk, which can shorten the quasi-periods of instability limit-cycles by more than three orders of magnitude, explaining the observed periods ( a few hrs) of QPEs. In addition to examining stability properties of strongly magnetized disks, we predict other observational signatures such as spectral hardening factors and jet luminosities to test the compatibility of our disk models with observations of apparently stable TDE disks.

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K. Kaur, N. Stone and S. Gilbaum
Thu, 3 Nov 22

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS