Gravitational Larmor precession [CL]

We model the reported existence of substantive magnetic fields in the vicinity of the central supermassive black holes in Sagitarius A* and Messier 87*, in terms of an axisymmetric, non-rotating Ernst-Melvin-Schwarzschild black hole spacetime with appropriate parameters. We compute the geodesic nodal-plane precession frequency for a test particle with mass, for such a spacetime, and obtain a non-vanishing result, surpassing earlier folklore that only axisymmetric spacetimes with rotation (non-vanishing Kerr parameter) can generate such a precession. We call this magnetic field-generated phenomenon Gravitational Larmor Precession. We discuss observational prospects of this precession in terms of available magnetic field strengths close to central black holes in galaxies.

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C. Chakraborty and P. Majumdar
Tue, 1 Nov 22

Comments: 7 pages including 2 figures