Dynamical analysis of the redshift drift in FLRW universes [CL]


Redshift drift is the phenomenon whereby the observed redshift between an emitter and observer comoving with the Hubble flow in an expanding FLRW universe will slowly evolve — on a timescale comparable to the Hubble time. In a previous article [JCAP 04 (2020) 043; \arXiv{2001.11964}] three of the current authors had performed a cosmographic analysis of the redshift drift in a FLRW universe, temporarily putting aside the issue of dynamics (the Friedmann equations). In the current article we now add dynamics, still within the framework of an exact FLRW universe. We shall develop a suitable generic matter model, and study both the low-redshift asymptotic behaviour and the utility of using alternative variables to describe the redshift.

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F. Lobo, J. Mimoso, J. Santiago, et. al.
Wed, 26 Oct 22

Comments: 34 pages, 4 figures