Hadronuclear interactions in the jet of low TeV luminosity AGN: Implications for the low-state very-high-energy gamma-ray emission [HEAP]


In the study of radiation mechanisms of AGNs’ jets, hadronuclear (pp) interactions are commonly neglected, because the number density of cold protons in the jet is considered insufficient. Very recently, our previous work proves that pp interactions in the low TeV luminosity AGNs, which have potential to generate detectable very-high-energy (VHE) emission, could be important. Based on this, the one-zone pp model is employed to study low-state quasi-simultaneous spectral energy distributions of a sample of low TeV luminosity AGNs in this work. Our modeling results show that the gamma-ray generated in pp interactions can explain the observed TeV spectra and has contribution to higher energy band that could be detected by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). In the sample, we suggest that M 87, Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 are the most likely objects to be detected by LHAASO in the near future. Other possible origins of VHE emission are also briefly discussed.

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R. Xue, Z. Wang and W. Li
Wed, 19 Oct 22

Comments: 18 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables.Accepted for publication in PhRvD