Super-horizon resonant magnetogenesis during inflation [CEA]

We propose a novel mechanism for significantly enhancing the amplitude of primordial electromagnetic fields during inflation. Similar to existing proposals, our idea is based on parametric resonance effects due to conformal-symmetry-breaking coupling of the gauge field and the inflaton. Our proposed scenario, however, significantly differs from previously studied models, and avoids their shortcomings. We, particularly, construct a viable system where the gauge field is exponentially amplified on super-horizon scales, therefore evading the no-go theorem formulated on the basis of widely encountered drastic back-reaction of the magnetic field energy on the inflationary background. We compute the spectrum of the produced magnetic fields and demonstrate the compatibility with current observational constraints.

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M. Sasaki, V. Vardanyan and V. Yingcharoenrat
Fri, 14 Oct 22

Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures