The Relation between the Optical \feii Emission and the Dimensionless Accretion Rate for Active Galactic Nuclei [GA]

It was suggested that the prominent feature of the optical Fe II emission has a connection with the accretion process in active galactic nuclei (AGN). For a large sample of 4037 quasars ($z < 0.8$) with measured $\rm H\beta$ line dispersion ($\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 120 compiled reverberation-mapped (RM) AGN, we use $\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$ and the extended $R_{\rm BLR}-L_{\rm 5100}$ relation to calculate supermassive black holes masses ($M_{\rm BH}$) from the single-epoch spectra for the SDSS subsample, and $\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$ from the mean spectra for the RM subsample. We find a strong correlation between the relative optical Fe II strength $R_{\rm Fe}$ and $\dot{\mathscr{M}}$ for the SDSS subsample with the Spearman correlation coefficient $r_s$ of $0.727$, which is consistent with that derived from the mean spectra for the RM subsample. The magnitude of velocity shift of the optical Fe II emission has a strong anticorrelation with $\dot{\mathscr{M}}$, whenever there is inflow or outflow. These strong correlations show that the optical Fe II emission has an intimate connection with the accretion process. Assuming that the difference of $M_{\rm BH}$ is due to the variable virial factor $f$ for adopting $ \rm FWHM_{H\beta}$ as the velocity tracer, we find that there is a relation between $f$ and $\rm FWHM_{H\beta}$, $\log f=-(0.41\pm 0.002) \rm \log FWHM_{\rm H\beta}+(1.719\pm 0.009)$ for the single-epoch spectrum. The relation between $\log f$ and $\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$ is not too strong, suggesting that $\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$ does not seem to depend much on the broad-line region inclination and a constant $\sigma$-based $f$ is suitable for $\sigma_{\rm H\beta}$ as the velocity tracer.

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L. S. and B. H.
Tue, 4 Oct 22

Comments: 11 pages, 6 figures, published in ApJ