Studying the prestellar core L1517B in Taurus molecular cloud using ammonia (NH_{3}) observation [GA]

Temperature measurement is essential in prestellar cores for understanding the initial conditions prior to the star formation. Here, in this work, we study the ammonia lines (J,K=1,1 and 2,2) in the prestellar core L1517B with the Very Large Array Radio Telescope (VLA). Our analysis indicates that the core is close to round in shape with a constant internal kinetic temperature of ~ 9K, suggesting the core seems to be an isothermal sphere. We find that the excitation temperature increases gradually towards the centre of the core, whereas the centre velocity of the line is almost constant and close to the systematic velocity of the core. Our study also reveals that a constant level of turbulence persists in the core, which is subsonic in nature, and notice that the decrement of column density of NH3 from the centre of the core to the edge, with a peak value of 10^{14.95} cm ^{-2}. Moreover,o ur work demonstrates the capability of studying the internal structures of prestellar cores with interferometric telescope.

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A. Koley
Tue, 4 Oct 22

Comments: Submitted in MNRAS