Result of the MICROSCOPE Weak Equivalence Principle test [CL]

The space mission MICROSCOPE dedicated to the test of the Equivalence Principle (EP) operated from April 25, 2016 until the deactivation of the satellite on October 16, 2018. In this analysis we compare the free-fall accelerations ($a_{\rm A}$ and $a_{\rm B}$) of two test masses in terms of the E\”otv\”os parameter $\eta({\rm{A, B}}) = 2 \frac{a_{\rm A}- a_{\rm B}}{a_{\rm A}+ a_{\rm B}}$. No EP violation has been detected for two test masses, made from platinum and titanium alloys, in a sequence of 19 segments lasting from 13 to 198 hours down to the limit of the statistical error which is smaller than $10^{-14}$ for $ \eta({\rm{Ti, Pt}})$. Accumulating data from all segments leads to $\eta({\rm{Ti, Pt}}) =[-1.5\pm{}2.3{\rm (stat)}\pm{}1.5{\rm (syst)}] \times{}10^{-15}$ showing no EP violation at the level of $2.7\times{}10^{-15}$ if we combine stochastic and systematic errors quadratically. This represents an improvement of almost two orders of magnitude with respect to the previous best such test performed by the E\”ot-Wash group. The reliability of this limit has been verified by comparing the free falls of two test masses of the same composition (platinum) leading to a null E\”otv\”os parameter with a statistical uncertainty of $1.1\times{}10^{-15}$.

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P. Touboul, G. Métris, M. Rodrigues, et. al.
Mon, 3 Oct 22

Comments: Class. Quantum Grav. 39 204009