Improved Mixed Dark Matter Halo Model for Ultralight Axions [CEA]

We present a complete halo model for mixed dark matter composed of cold dark matter (CDM) and ultralight axion-like particles (ULAs). Our model treats ULAs as a biased tracer of CDM, in analogy to treatments of massive neutrinos and neutral hydrogen. The model accounts for clustering of ULAs around CDM host halos, and fully models the cross correlations of both components. The model inputs include the ULA Jeans scale, and soliton density profile. Our model can be used to predict the matter power spectrum, $P(k)$, on non-linear scales for sub-populations of ULAs across the mass range $10^{-33}\text{ eV}\leq m\leq 10^{-21}\text{ eV}$, and can be calibrated against future mixed DM simulations to improve its accuracy. The mixed DM halo model also allows us to assess the importance of various approximations.

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S. Vogt, D. Marsh and A. Laguë
Wed, 28 Sep 22

Comments: 18 pages, 12 figures, codes are available at this https URL and this https URL