The GAPS Programme at TNG. XLI. The climate of KELT-9b revealed with a new approach to high spectral resolution phase curves [EPA]

[Abridged] We present a novel method to study the thermal emission of exoplanets as a function of orbital phase at very high spectral resolution, and apply it to investigate the climate of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9b. We combine 3 nights of HARPS-N and 2 nights of CARMENES optical spectra, covering orbital phases between quadratures (0.25 < phi < 0.75), when the planet shows its day-side hemisphere with different geometries. We co-add the signal of thousands of FeI lines through cross-correlation, which we map to a likelihood function. We investigate the phase-dependence of: (i) the line depths of FeI, and (ii) their Doppler shifts, by introducing a new method that exploits the very high spectral resolution of our observations. We confirm a previous detection of FeI emission and demonstrate a combined precision of 0.5 km s-1 on the orbital properties of KELT-9b. By studying the phase-resolved Doppler shift of FeI lines, we detect an anomaly in the planet’s orbital radial velocity well-fitted with a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.016$\pm$0.003, w = 150$^{+13\circ}_{-11},~5\sigma$ preference). However, we argue that such anomaly can be explained by a day-night wind of a few km s-1 blowing neutral iron gas. Additionally, we find that the FeI emission line depths are symmetric around the substellar point within 10 deg ($2\sigma$). We show that these results are qualitatively compatible with predictions from general circulation models for ultra-hot Jupiter planets. Very high-resolution spectroscopy phase curves have the sensitivity to reveal a phase dependence in both the line depths and their Doppler shifts throughout the orbit. They are highly complementary to space-based phase curves obtained with HST and JWST, and open a new window into the still poorly understood climate and atmospheric structure of the hottest planets known.

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L. Pino, M. Brogi, J. Désert, et. al.
Mon, 26 Sep 22

Comments: Recommended for publication on A&A after referee report, awaiting acceptance. 25 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables