We investigate the form of the radiation emitted by an axion star-neutron star binary using a $f(r)=\text{sech(r/R)}$ profile for the axion star. Our analysis takes into account the co-rotating plasma of the neutron star. We find that that there is significant enhancement to the radiated power if the neutron star’s spin is tilted towards the plane of the axion star-neutron star orbit, compared to the case where it is perpendicular. We also examine whether the neutron star’s co-rotating plasma can play a role in the emitted power and we find that even though dilute axion stars can in principle radiate more efficiently than dense axion stars, they will be pulled apart by the tidal forces of the neutron star
A. Kyriazis
Mon, 26 Sep 22
Comments: 15 pages, 4 figures
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