Generation of gravitational waves in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity [CL]

We investigate gravitational waves (GWs) generated in a two-field inflationary model with a non-canonical kinetic term, in which the gravitational Chern-Simons term is coupled to a heavy dynamical field. In such a model, primordial GWs experience a period of resonant amplification for some modes. In addition, isocurvature perturbations suffer from a temporary tachyonic instability due to an effective negative mass, which source curvature perturbations, resulting in large induced GWs. These two stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds correspond to different frequency bands, which are expected to be detected by future GW detectors such as SKA, LISA and Taiji.

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Z. Peng, Z. Zeng, C. Fu, et. al.
Thu, 22 Sep 22

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