E- & T-Model Hybrid Inflation [CL]


We consider the impact of a kinetic pole of order one or two on the non-supersymmetric model of hybrid inflation. These poles arise due to logarithmic Kaehler potentials which control the kinetic mixing of the inflaton field and parameterize hyperbolic manifolds with scalar curvature related to the coefficient (-N)<0 of the logarithm. Inflation is associated with the breaking of a local SU(2)xU(1) symmetry, which does not produce any cosmological defects after it, and remains largely immune from the minimal possible radiative corrections to the inflationary potential. For N=1 and equal values of the relevant coupling constants, lambda and kappa, the achievement of the observationally central value of ns requires the mass parameter, m, and the symmetry breaking scale, M, to be of the order of 10^12 GeV and 10^17 GeV respectively. Increasing N above unity the tensor-to-scalar ratio r increases above 0.002 and reaches its maximal allowed value for N~10-20.

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C. Pallis
Wed, 21 Sep 22

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