Design of microstrip-line coupled kinetic inductance detectors for near infrared astronomy [IMA]

Kinetic inductance detectors (KID) have great potential in astronomical observation, such as searching for exoplanets, because of their low noise, fast response and photon counting characteristics. In this paper, we present the design process and simulation results of a microstrip line coupled KIDs array for near-infrared astronomical observation. Compared with coplanar waveguide (CPW) feedlines, microstrip feedlines do not require air bridges, which simplify fabrication process. In the design part, we mainly focus on the impedance transforming networks, the KID structure, and the frequency crosstalk simulations. The test array has a total of 104 resonators with 8 rows and 13 columns, which ranges from 4.899~GHz to 6.194~GHz. The pitch size is about 200~$\mu$m and the frequency crosstalk is less than 50~kHz in simulation.

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S. Yu, S. Shu, R. Duan, et. al.
Wed, 21 Sep 22

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