A fraction of dark matter fading with early dark energy ? [CEA]


In pre-recombination early dark energy (EDE) resolutions of the Hubble tension, the rise of Hubble constant value $H_0$ is usually accompanied with the exacerbation of so-called $S_8$ tension. Inspired by the swampland conjecture, we investigate what if a fraction $f_$ of dark matter is coupled to EDE, $m_{cdm}\sim \exp{(-c{|\Delta\phi_{ede}|\over M_{pl}})}$ with $c\sim {\cal O}(1)$. We perform the MCMC analysis for the relevant EDE models with PlanckCMB, BAO, Pantheon and SH0ES dataset, as well as DES-Y1 data, and find that such a fraction helps to alleviate the $S_8$ tension. However, though $c\gtrsim 0.1$ is allowed for a very small $f_$, which suggests that a small fraction of dark matter has ever faded with EDE, $c\sim0$ is also consistent.

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H. Wang and Y. Piao
Wed, 21 Sep 22

Comments: 23 pages,8figures