New dipole instabilities in spherical stellar systems [GA]

Spherical stellar systems have weakly-damped response modes. The dipole modes are seiche modes. The quadrupole are zero pattern-speed prolate modes, the stable precursors to the radial-orbit instability (ROI). We demonstrate that small deviations in the distribution function (DF) can destabilise the dipole modes and describe the newly identified instabilities in NFW-like dark-matter (DM) halos and power-law spherical systems. The modes were identified in N-body simulations using multivariate singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) and corroborated using linear-response theory. The new mode peaks inside the half-mass radius but has a pattern speed typical of an outer-halo orbit. As it grows, the radial angle of the eccentric orbits that make up the mode correlate and lose angular momentum by a resonant couple to outer-halo orbits. This leads to an unsteady pattern with a density enhancement that swings from one side of the halo to another along a diameter, like the orbits that comprise the instability. In this way, the dipole mode is similar to the ROI. Since the DF found in Nature is unlikely to be smooth and isotropic with $df(E)/dE<0$ necessary for Antonov stability, these modes may be ubiquitous albeit slowly growing. Halos that are less extended than NFW, such as the Hernquist model, tend to be stable to this dipole instability. We present the critical stability exponents for one- and two-power models. These different critical outer power-law exponents illustrate that the gravitational coupling between the inner and outer DM halo depends on the global shape of density profile.

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M. Weinberg
Fri, 16 Sep 22

Comments: 14 pages, 14 figures