Dynamic scheduling for SOXS instrument: environment, algorithms and development [IMA]


We present development progress of the scheduler for the Son Of X-Shooter (SOXS) instrument at the ESO-NTT 3.58 meter telescope. SOXS will be a single object spectroscopic facility, consisting of a two-arms high-efficiency spectrograph covering the spectral range 350-2000 nanometer with a mean resolving power R$\approx$4500. SOXS will be uniquely dedicated to the UV-visible and near infrared follow up of astrophysical transients, with a very wide pool of targets available from the streaming services of wide-field telescopes, current and future. This instrument will serve a variety of scientific scopes in the astrophysical community, with each scope eliciting its specific requirements for observation planning, that the observing scheduler has to meet. Due to directions from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the instrument will be operated only by La Silla staff, with no astronomer present on the mountain. This implies a new challenge for the scheduling process, requiring a fully automated algorithm that should be able to present the operator not only with and ordered list of optimal targets, but also with optimal back-ups, should anything in the observing conditions change. This imposes a fast-response capability to the scheduler, without compromising the optimization process, that ensures good quality of the observations. In this paper we present the current state of the scheduler, that is now almost complete, and of its web interface.

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L. Asquini, M. Landoni, D. Young, et. al.
Fri, 16 Sep 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in SPIE Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation Conference proceedings – Montreal (Canada) July 2022