Plasma lensing near the eclipses of the Black Widow pulsar B1957+20 [HEAP]

Recently, several eclipsing millisecond pulsars have been shown to experience strong and apparent weak lensing from the outflow of their ionized companions. Lensing can be a powerful probe of the ionized plasma, with the strongest lenses potentially resolving emission regions of pulsars, and understanding lensing in the `laboratory-like’ conditions of an eclipsing pulsar may be analogously applied to fast radio bursts, which reside in dense, magnetized environments. We discover clear evidence of the two regimes of lensing, strong and apparent weak, and find variable dispersion measure (DM), absorption, scattering, and flux density in the original Black Widow pulsar PSR B1957+20 through an eclipse at the Arecibo Observatory at 327 MHz. We show that the flux density variations in the apparently weak lensing regime can be modeled directly from variations of DM, using geometric optics. The mean effective velocities in the ingress, $954\pm 99$ km/s, and egress $604\pm 47$ km/s cannot be explained by orbital motions alone, but are consistent with significant outflow velocity of material from the companion. We also show that geometric optics can predict when and where the lensing regime-change between weak and strong occurs, and argue that the apparent weak lensing to be due averaging of many images. Our framework can be applied to other eclipsing pulsars, which are likely lensed by intrabinary material near their eclipses to predict weak and strong lensing, and in principle, to independently constrain inclinations.

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F. Lin, R. Main, D. Li, et. al.
Wed, 31 Aug 22

Comments: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS