On Continuum Effective Field Theories and Gravity [CL]


We examine effective field theories (EFTs) with a continuum sector in the presence of gravity. We first explain, via arguments based on central charge and species scale, that an EFT with a free continuum cannot consistently couple to standard (i.e. 4D Einstein) gravity. It follows that EFTs with a free, or nearly-free, continuum must either have a finite number of degrees of freedom or nonstandard gravity. We demonstrate the latter through holographically-defined continuum models, focusing on a class of 5D dilaton-graviton systems giving rise to a gapped continuum (i.e. the linear dilaton background). In the simplest version of the model we find an $R^{-2}$ deviation from the Newtonian potential. At finite temperature, we find an energy density with $a^{-5}$ scaling law (i.e. $w=\frac{2}{3}$) in the brane Friedmann equation, induced by the horizon in the bulk. We also present a slightly more evolved model for which these exotic deviations transition into those from pure AdS. Brane cosmology in dilaton-gravity backgrounds could be explored along these lines.

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S. Fichet, E. Megias and M. Quiros
Wed, 31 Aug 22

Comments: 37 pages, 4 figures