Identifying glitches near gravitational-wave events using the Q-transform [IMA]

We present a computational method to identify glitches in gravitational-wave data that occur nearby gravitational-wave signals. We flag any excess in the data surrounding a signal and compute the probability of such an excess occurring in Gaussian noise. We validate that the probabilities reported by this tool are self-consistent in colored Gaussian noise as well as data that contains a gravitational-wave event after subtracting the signal using the best-fit template. Furthermore, we compare our glitch identification results for events from LIGO-Virgo’s third observing run against the list of events that required glitch mitigation. Finally, we discuss how the precise, automated information about the data quality surrounding gravitational-wave events this tool provides can be used to improve astrophysical analyses of these events.

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L. Vazsonyi and D. Davis
Mon, 29 Aug 22

Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures