Dark Energy with a Triplet of Classical U(1) Fields [CEA]


We present a new mechanism for cosmic acceleration consisting of a scalar field coupled to a triplet of classical U(1) gauge fields. The gauge fields are arranged in a homogeneous, isotropic configuration, with both electric- and magnetic-like vacuum expectation values. The gauge fields provide a mass-like term via a Chern-Simons interaction that suspends the scalar away from its potential minimum, thereby enabling potential-dominated evolution. We show this mechanism can drive a brief period of acceleration, such as dark energy, without the need for fine tunings. We obtain simple analytic results for the dark energy equation of state and dependence on model parameters. In this model, the presence of the gauge field generically leads to a suppression of long-wavelength gravitational waves, with implications for the experimental search for cosmic microwave background B-modes and direct detection of a stochastic gravitational wave background.

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A. Tishue and R. Caldwell
Thu, 25 Aug 22

Comments: 15 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome