The maximum extent of the filaments and sheets in the cosmic web: an analysis of the SDSS DR17 [CEA]

The filaments and sheets are the most striking visual patterns in the cosmic web. The maximum extent of these large-scale structures are difficult to determine due to their structural variety and complexity. We construct a volume-limited sample of galaxies in a cubic region from the SDSS, divide it into smaller subcubes and shuffle them around. We quantify the average filamentarity and planarity in the three-dimensional galaxy distribution as a function of the density threshold and compare them with those from the shuffled realizations of the original data. The analysis is repeated for different shuffling lengths by varying the size of the subcubes. The average filamentarity and planarity in the shuffled data show a significant reduction when the shuffling scales are smaller than the maximum size of the genuine filaments and sheets. We observe a statistically significant reduction in these statistical measures even at a shuffling scale of $\sim 130 \, \rm Mpc$, indicating that the filaments and sheets in three dimensions can extend up to this length scale. They may extend to somewhat larger length scales that are missed by our analysis due to the limited size of the SDSS data cube. However, our analysis safely infer that the size of the most extended filament and most giant sheet in the galaxy distribution must be smaller than $200 \, \rm Mpc$.

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P. Sarkar, B. Pandey and S. Sarkar
Mon, 22 Aug 22

Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures, comments are welcome