In this paper, we introduce our open source implementation of the Coupled Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme (CDUGKS) of, a phase space scheme capable of handling a wide range of flow regimes. We demonstrate its performance on several problems including a number of well known test problems from the astrophysical fluid dynamics literature such as the 1D Sod shock tube, 2D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, 1D thermoacoustic wave, a triangular Gresho vortex, a sine wave velocity perturbation. For these problems, we show that the code can simulate flows ranging from the inviscid/Eulerian regime to the free-streaming regime, capturing shocks and emergent diffusive processes in the appropriate regimes. We also use a variety of Prandtl numbers to demonstrate the scheme’s ability to simulate different thermal conductivities at fixed viscosity. The scheme is second-order accurate in space and time and, unlike many solvers, uses a time step that is independent of the mean free path of the gas. Our code (MP-CDUGKS) is public under a CC0 1.0 Universal license and is available on
A. Zamora and T. Abel
Mon, 22 Aug 22
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