Multiparameter tests of general relativity using principal component analysis with next-generation gravitational wave detectors [CL]

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is an efficient tool to optimize the multiparameter tests of general relativity (GR) where one tests for simultaneous deviations in multiple post-Newtonian (PN) phasing coefficients by introducing fractional deformation parameters. We use PCA to construct the `best-measured’ linear combinations of the PN deformation parameters from the data. This helps to set stringent limits on deviations from GR and detect possible beyond-GR physics. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of this method with the proposed next-generation gravitational wave detectors, Cosmic Explorer (CE) and Einstein Telescope (ET). Observation of compact binaries with total masses between 20-200 $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ in the detector frame and at a luminosity distance of 500 Mpc, CE can measure the three most dominant linear combinations to an accuracy better than 10%, and the most dominant one to better than 0.1%. For specific ranges of masses and linear combinations, constraints from ET are better by a few factors than CE. This improvement is because of the improved low frequency sensitivity of ET compared to CE (between 1-5 Hz). In addition, we explain the sensitivity of the PCA parameters to the different PN deformation parameters and discuss their variation with total mass. We also discuss a criterion for quantifying the number of most dominant linear combinations that capture the information in the signal up to a threshold.

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S. Datta, M. Saleem, K. Arun, et. al.
Wed, 17 Aug 22

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