EUSO-SPB2: A sub-orbital cosmic ray and neutrino multi-messenger pathfinder observatory [HEAP]

The next generation of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) and very-high energy neutrino observatories will address the challenge of the extremely low fluxes of these particles at the highest energies. EUSO-SPB2 (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon2) is designed to prepare space missions to address this challenge. EUSO-SPB2 is equipped with 2 telescopes: the Fluorescence Telescope, which will point downwards and measure fluorescence emission from UHECR air showers with an energy above 2EeV, and the Cherenkov Telescope (CT), which will point towards the Earth’s limb and measure direct Cherenkov emission from cosmic rays with energies above 1PeV, verifying the technique. Pointed below the limb, the CT will search for Cherenkov emission produced by neutrino-sourced tau-lepton decays above 10PeV energies and study backgrounds for such events. The EUSO-SPB2 mission will provide pioneering observations and technical milestones on the path towards a space-based multi-messenger observatory.

Read this paper on arXiv…

A. Cummings, J. Eser, G. Filippatos, et. al.
Wed, 17 Aug 22

Comments: Submission to SciPost Phys. Proc