Connecting Cosmic Inflation to Particle Physics with LiteBIRD, CMB S4, EUCLID and SKA [CL]

We study constraints on the inflaton coupling to other fields from the impact of the reheating phase after cosmic inflation on cosmic perturbations. We quantify the knowledge obtained from the combined Planck, WMAP, and BICEP/Keck observations and, for the first time, estimate the sensitivity of future observations. For the two models that we consider, namely RGI inflation and $\alpha$-attractor $T$ models, we find that LiteBIRD and CMB S4 can rule out several orders of magnitude for the reheating temperature, with further improvement when data from EUCLID and SKA are added. In the RGI model this can be translated into a measurement of the inflaton coupling, while we only obtain a lower bound in the $\alpha$-attractor model because feedback effects cause a dependence on other unknown particle physics model parameters. Our results demonstrate the potential of future observations to constrain microphysical parameters that connect inflation to particle physics, which can provide an important clue to understand how a given model of inflation may be embedded in a more fundamental theory of nature.

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M. Drewes and L. Ming
Wed, 17 Aug 22

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures