Tracing Magnetic Fields with the Gradient Technique: Spatial Filtering and Use of Interferometers [GA]

Probing magnetic fields in astrophysical environments is important but challenging. The Gradients Technique (GT) is a new tool for tracing the magnetic fields, which is rooted in the properties of MHD turbulence and turbulent magnetic reconnection. In this work, we study the performance of multiple gradients obtained from synchrotron emission and spectroscopic data, when low spatial frequencies are removed. Using synthetic observations obtained from MHD simulations, we demonstrate the improved accuracy of GT to trace magnetic fields in the absence of low spatial frequencies. We apply the low-spatial frequency filter to a diffuse neutral hydrogen region selected from the GALFA-H I survey. We report the increased alignment between the magnetic fields inferred from GT and the Planck 353 GHz polarization measurements. We confirm that the usage of the interferometric data independent of single-dish observations provides a unique way to accurately trace the magnetic fields with GT.

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Y. Hu and A. Lazarian
Mon, 15 Aug 22

Comments: 24 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ