Search for primordial black hole dark matter with X-ray spectroscopic and imaging satellite experiments and prospects for future satellite mission [HEAP]

Ultra-light primordial black holes (PBHs) in the mass range of $10^{16} – 10^{22}$ g are allowed by current observations to constitute a significant fraction, if not all, of the dark matter in the Universe. In this work, we present limits on ultra-light, non-rotating PBHs which arise from the non-detection of the Hawking radiation signals from such objects in the keV-MeV energy band. Namely, we consider observations from the current-generation missions XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL/SPI and discuss the observational perspectives of the future missions Athena, eXTP, and THESEUS for PBH searches. Based on 3.4 Msec total exposure time XMM-Newton observations of Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy, we conclude that PBH with masses $\lesssim 10^{16}$ g can not make all dark matter at 95% confidence level. Our ON-OFF-type analysis of >100 Msec of INTEGRAL/SPI data on the Milky Way halo puts significantly stronger constraints. Only $\lesssim 10$% dark matter can be presented by PBHs with masses $\lesssim 3 \cdot 10^{16}$ g while the majority of dark matter can not be presented by PBHs lighter than $7\cdot 10^{16}$ g at 95% confidence level. We discuss the strong impact of systematic uncertainty related to the variations of instrumental and astrophysical INTEGRAL/SPI background on the derived results and estimate its level. We also show that future large-field-of-view missions such as THESEUS/X-GIS will be able to improve the constraints by a factor of $10 – 100$ depending on the level of control under the systematics of these instruments.

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D. Malyshev, E. Moulin and A. Santangelo
Fri, 12 Aug 22

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