Dark matter direct detection experiments are designed to look for the scattering of dark matter particles that are assumed to move with virial velocities $\sim 10^{-3}$. At these velocities, the energy deposition in the detector is large enough to cause ionization/scintillation, forming the primary class of signatures looked for in such experiments. These experiments are blind to a large class of dark matter models where the dark matter has relatively large scattering cross-sections with the standard model, resulting in the dark matter undergoing multiple scattering with the atmosphere and the rock overburden, and thus slowing down considerably before arriving at underground detectors. We propose to search for these kinds of dark matter by looking for the anomalous heating of a well shielded and sensitive calorimeter. In this detector concept, the dark matter is thermalized with the rock overburden but is able to pierce through the thermal shields of the detector causing anomalous heating. Using the technologies under development for EDELWEISS and SuperCDMS, we estimate the sensitivity of such a calorimetric detector. In addition to models with large dark matter – standard model interactions, these detectors also have the ability to probe dark photon dark matter.
J. Billard, M. Pyle, S. Rajendran, et. al.
Fri, 12 Aug 22
Comments: 21 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables
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