Unifying High- and Low-resolution Observations to Constrain the Dayside Atmosphere of KELT-20b/MASCARA-2b [EPA]


We present high-resolution dayside thermal emission observations of the exoplanet KELT-20b/MASCARA-2b using the MAROON-X spectrograph. Applying the cross-correlation method with both empirical and theoretical masks and a retrieval analysis, we confirm previous detections of Fe\,\textsc{i} emission lines and we detect Ni\,\textsc{i} for the first time in the planet (at 4.7$\sigma$ confidence). We do not see evidence for additional species in the MAROON-X data, including notably predicted thermal inversion agents TiO and VO, their atomic constituents Ti\,\textsc{i} and V\,\textsc{i}, and previously claimed species Fe\,\textsc{ii} and Cr\,\textsc{i}. We also perform a joint retrieval with existing \textit{Hubble Space Telescope}/WFC3 spectroscopy and \textit{Spitzer}/IRAC photometry. This allows us to place bounded constraints on the abundances of Fe\,\textsc{i}, H$_2$O, and CO, and to place a stringent upper limit on the TiO abundance. The results are consistent with KELT-20b having a solar to slightly super-solar composition atmosphere in terms of the bulk metal enrichment, and the carbon-to-oxygen and iron-to-oxygen ratios. However, the TiO volume mixing ratio upper limit (10$^{-7.6}$ at 99\% confidence) is inconsistent with this picture, which, along with the non-detection of Ti\,\textsc{i}, points to sequestration of Ti species, possibly due to nightside condensation. The lack of TiO but the presence of a large H$_2$O emission feature in the WFC3 data is challenging to reconcile within the context of 1D self-consistent, radiative-convective models.

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D. Kasper, J. Bean, M. Line, et. al.
Wed, 10 Aug 22

Comments: 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables