AGN feedback duty cycle in Planck SZ selected clusters using Chandra observations [GA]

We present a systematic study of X-ray cavities using archival Chandra observations of nearby galaxy clusters selected by their Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) signature in the Planck survey, which provides a nearly unbiased mass-selected sample to explore the entire AGN feedback duty cycle. Based on X-ray image analysis, we report that 30 of the 164 clusters show X-ray cavities, which corresponds to a detection fraction of 18%. After correcting for spatial resolution to match the high-$z$ SPT-SZ sample, the detection fraction decreases to 9%, consistent with the high-z sample, hinting that the AGN feedback has not evolved across almost 8 Gyrs. Our finding agrees with the lack of evolution of cool-core clusters fraction. We calculate the cavity power, P_{\rm cav}, and find that most systems of our sample have enough AGN heating to offset the radiative losses of the intracluster medium.

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V. Olivares, Y. Su, P. Nulsen, et. al.
Wed, 10 Aug 22

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS letter