A detailed dynamical model for inclination-only dependent lunisolar resonances. Effect on the "eccentricity growth" mechanism [EPA]


The focus of this paper is on inclination-only dependent lunisolar resonances, which shape the dynamics of a MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) object over secular time scales (i.e. several decades). Following the formalism of arXiv:2107.14507, we discuss an analytical model yielding the correct form of the separatrices of each one of the major lunisolar resonances in the “action” space $(i, e)$ (inclination, eccentricity) for any given semi-major axis $a$. We then highlight how our method is able to predict and explain the main structures found numerically in Fast Lyapunov Indicator (FLI) cartography. We focus on explaining the dependence of the FLI maps from the initial phase of the argument of perigee $\omega$ and of the longitude of the ascending node $\Omega$ of the object and of the moon $\Omega_L$. In addition, on the basis of our model, we discuss the role played by the $\Omega-\Omega_L$ and the $2 \Omega-\Omega_L$ resonances, which overlap with the inclination-only dependent ones as they sweep the region for increasing values of $a$, generating large domains of chaotic motion. Our results provide a framework useful in designing low-cost satellite deployment or space debris mitigation strategies, exploiting the natural dynamics of lunisolar resonances that increase an object’s eccentricity up until it reaches a domain where friction leads to atmospheric re-entry.

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E. Legnaro and C. Efthymiopoulos
Wed, 10 Aug 22

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