Higgstory repeats itself [CL]


We consider a scalar potential with two minima, one of which is arbitrarily deep, such as could be the case for the Higgs potential in the Standard Model. A recent calculation within the thin-wall approximation [arXiv:2205.10240] concludes that regions in which the scalar field takes values beyond the top of the potential barrier are forced by gravity to collapse, while they remain hidden behind a black hole horizon. We show that the thin-wall approximation is not applicable to this problem. We clarify the issue through numerical and analytical solutions to the field equations of the gravity-scalar system. We find that regions around the deeper minimum expand, and would thereby engulf the Universe in post-inflationary cosmology. We also show that black holes with Higgs hair are unstable. Even though the physics of the true vacuum is different, our final conclusion replicates the earlier `Higgstory’ paper [arXiv:1505.04825].

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A. Strumia and N. Tetradis
Mon, 4 Jul 22

Comments: 21 pages, 7 figures