A Case Study of Small Field Inflationary Dynamics in the Einstein-Gauss Bonnet Framework in the Light of $GW170817$ [CEA]


We study two of the most theoretically promising models of inflation, namely the Natural inflation and the Mutated Hilltop inflation, in the Einstein-Gauss Bonnet(EGB) gravity framework. In this work, we try to explore these models in EGB framework, keeping the observational constraint from $GW170817$ on the speed of gravitational wave to be equal to the speed of light. This has direct implication on the non-minimal coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant in the action. Thus, the effective potential gets new features. We have not only analysed the inflationary dynamics, but also the reheating dynamics and finally the corresponding energy spectrum of the gravitational wave.

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M. R.Gangopadhyay, H. Khan and Y. Yogesh
Tue, 31 May 22

Comments: 30 Pages, 6 Figures