Intermediate Points for Missions to Interstellar Objects Using Optimum Interplanetary Trajectory Software [EPA]

This paper explicates the concept of an Intermediate Point (IP), its incorporation as a node along an interplanetary trajectory, and how it permits the determination and optimization of trajectories to interstellar objects (ISOs). IPs can be used to model Solar Oberth Manoeuvres (SOM) as well as Vinfnity Leveraging Manoeuvres (VLM). The SOM has been established theoretically as an important mechanism by which rapid exit from the solar system and intercept of ISOs can both be achieved; the VLM has been demonstrated practically as a method of reducing overall mission Delta-V as well as the Characteristic Energy, C3, at launch. Thus via these two applications, the feasibility of missions to interstellar objects (ISOs) such as 1I/Oumuamua can be analysed. The interplanetary trajectory optimizer tool exploited for this analysis, OITS, permits IP selection as an encounter option along the interplanetary trajectory in question. OITS adopts the assumption of impulsive thrust at discrete points along the trajectory, an assumption which is generally valid for high thrust propulsion scenarios, like chemical or nuclear thermal for instance.

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A. Hibberd
Mon, 23 May 22

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