Optical emission-line Luminosity Function models for populations of Supernova Remnants [GA]


We present a basic model for the calculation of the luminosity distribution of supernova remnant populations. We construct theoretical Ha and joint [S II] – Ha luminosity functions for supernova remnants by combining prescriptions from a basic evolution model that provides the shock velocity and radius for SNRs of different age and pre-shock density, with shock excitation models that give the gas emissivity for shocks of different physical parameters. We assume a flat age distribution, and we explore the effect of different pre-shock density distributions or different magnetic parameters. We find very good agreement between the shape of the model Ha and the joint [S II] – Ha luminosity functions and those measured from SNR surveys in nearby galaxies.

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M. Kopsacheili, A. Zezas and I. Leonidaki
Fri, 20 May 22

Comments: 11 pages, Accepted for publication in MNRAS