Confronting the 511 keV Galactic emission with the féeton dark matter [CL]

The f\’eeton is the gauge boson of the $B-L$ gauge symmetry motivated from the successful generation of the seasaw mechanism and leptogenesis. We show that if the f\’eeton constitutes a small fraction of the dark matter (DM) it can originates the Galactic $511$ keV emission. For the first time among all the proposed DM sources, the f\’eeton DM predicts the injection energy of positrons to be $\lesssim3$\,MeV. This prediction is verified by current observations. The model suggests the $B-L$ breaking scale is in a relatively narrow range, i.e., $V_{B-L}\sim10^{15}-10^{16}\,$GeV, which is consistent with a Grand Unification (GUT) scale seasaw mechanism and has important impacts on early-universe phenomenology. A further investigation on the emission morphology is warranted for a robust test of this f\’eeton scenario.

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W. Lin and T. Yanagida
Wed, 18 May 22

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure, comments welcome!