A study of natural frequencies in a dynamic corona – disk system [HEAP]


Black-hole X-ray Binaries (BHXRBs) in the hard and hard-intermediate spectral (and temporal) states exhibit in their power spectra characteristic frequencies, which are called type-C Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs). Various models have been proposed that can explain them with various degrees of success, but a definitive answer is still missing. The interacting hot Comptonizing corona with the cold accretion disk, which are central in understanding BHXRBs, are essentially a dynamical system. Our aim is to investigate if the radiative coupling between the two components can produce QPOs. We write and solve the time-dependent equations that describe energy conservation in the system corona – accretion disk. We examine both constant and variable mass accretion rates. By necessity, in this first investigation, we use a simple model, which however contains all the essential ingredients. For constant mass accretion rate and certain justifiable conditions, the dynamic corona – disk system exhibits oscillations, which die out after a few cycles. The characteristic frequencies of these oscillations are similar to the ones observed in the power spectra of BHXRBs. For most parameters, the natural frequencies persist even in the case of variable accretion rates. We argue that type-C QPOs in BHXRBs could, in principle, arise from the interaction of the hot Comptonizing corona with the much colder accretion disk. If this picture is correct, it has immediate implications for other systems containing the above constituents, like Active Galactic Nuclei.

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A. Mastichiadis, M. Petropoulou and N. Kylafis
Mon, 2 May 22

Comments: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A