A lensing multi-messenger channel: Combining LIGO-Virgo-Kagra lensed gravitational-wave measurements with Euclid observations [HEAP]


Despite forecasts of upcoming detections, it remains unclear how feasible the full spectrum of applications of strongly-lensed gravitational-wave observations are. One application may be in the multi-messenger domain: localisation of strongly lensed black hole mergers inside their associated lens systems in gravitational-wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) bands. This is intriguing because combining the observations of electromagnetically detected lens systems (via optical or infrared imaging) with their associated strongly-lensed gravitational waves could yield a wide array of valuable, otherwise inaccessible information. One might, for instance, independently verify strong lensing candidates, localise black holes to sub-arcsecond precision, study the binary-galaxy connection, and more accurately test gravitational-wave polarisation and propagation.
Thus, here we perform a comprehensive simulation of the projected capabilities of LIGO-Virgo-Kagra, combined with Euclid, to find strongly lensed gravitational-wave events and then pinpoint the location of the black-hole merger. We find that for 20-50% of the detected events, the lens is detectable with Euclid-like imaging. For a 1-5 deg^2 sky localisation, with Euclid-like images of host candidates, we expect to identify the EM-counterpart for 34.6-21.9% of lensed GWs when four events are detected. For three and two events, this drops to 29.8-14.9% and 16.4-6.6% respectively.
A dedicated follow-up of detected lensed events with space-based instruments in the EM and continued upgrades in the current and planned GW detectors, as well as lensed sub-threshold search pipelines are likely crucial to the success of this program.

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E. Wempe, L. Koopmans, A. Wierda, et. al.
Wed, 20 Apr 22

Comments: 20 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRAS