NEOWISE Observations Of The Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (99942) Apophis [EPA]

Large potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) are capable of causing a global catastrophe in the event of a planetary collision. Thus, rapid assessment of such an object’s physical characteristics is crucial for determining its potential risk scale. We treated the near-Earth asteroid (99942) Apophis as a newly discovered object during its 2020-2021 close-approach as part of a mock planetary defense exercise. The object was detected by the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE), and data collected by the two active bands (3.4 ${\mu}$m and 4.6 ${\mu}$m) were analyzed using thermal and thermophysical modeling. Our results indicate that Apophis is an elongated object with an effective spherical diameter D${eff}$ = 340 $\pm$ 70 m, a geometric visual albedo p${V}$ = 0.31 $\pm$ 0.09, and a thermal inertia $\Gamma$ $\sim$ 150 – 2850 Jm$^{-2}$s$^{-0.5}$K$^{-1}$ with a best-fit value of 550 Jm$^{-2}$s$^{-0.5}$K$^{-1}$. NEOWISE “discovery” observations reveal that (99942) Apophis is a potentially hazardous asteroid that would likely cause damage at a regional level and not a global one.

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A. Satpathy, A. Mainzer, J. Masiero, et. al.
Wed, 13 Apr 22

Comments: 19 Pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for publication in PSJ