Sterile neutrino production at small mixing in the early universe [CL]

Sterile neutrinos can be produced in the early universe via interactions with their active counterparts. For small active-sterile mixing angles, thermal equilibrium with the standard model plasma is not reached and sterile neutrinos are only produced via flavor oscillations. We study in detail this regime, taking into account matter potentials and decoherence effects caused by elastic scatterings with the plasma. We find that resonant oscillations occurring at temperatures $T\lesssim 10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ lead to a significant enhancement of the sterile neutrino production rate. Taking this into account, we improve constraints on the active-sterile mixing from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background, excluding mixing angles down to $\theta_s\sim 10^{-10}-10^{-16}$ for sterile neutrino masses in the $10\,\mathrm{MeV}$ to $10\,\mathrm{GeV}$ range. We observe that if sterile neutrinos predominantly decay into metastable hidden sector particles, this process provides a novel dark matter production mechanism, consistent with the sterile neutrino origin of light neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism.

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G. Alonso-Álvarez and J. Cline
Tue, 12 Apr 22

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures