Symmetries of the Primordial Sky [CL]

Quantum field theory, which is generally used to describe the origin of large-scale gravitational perturbations during cosmic inflation, has been shown to omit an important physical effect in curved space-time, the nonlocal entanglement among quantized modes from their gravitational effect on causal structure. It is argued here that in a different model of quantum gravity that coherently preserves nonlocal directional and causal relationships, primordial perturbations originate instead from coherent quantum distortions of emergent inflationary horizons; and moreover, that causal constraints account for approximate symmetries of cosmic microwave background correlations measured at large angular separations, which are highly anomalous in the standard picture. Thus, symmetries already apparent in the large-angle CMB pattern may be unique signatures of the emergence of locality and causal structure from quantum gravity.

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C. Hogan
Fri, 1 Apr 22

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