A probe of interacting dark energy with redshift space distortions [CEA]


The imprint of interacting dark energy (IDE) needs to be correctly identified in order to avoid bias in constraints on IDE, on the largest scales. This paper investigates the large-scale imprint of IDE in redshift space distortions. The results suggest that, for a constant dark energy equation of state parameter, an IDE model where the dark energy transfer rate is proportional to the dark energy density, exhibits an alternating positive-negative effect in the redshift space distortions angular power spectrum — which varies with respect to redshift z. The results also suggest that the redshift space distortions can be used to distinguish IDE models at low z ~ 0.1. Moreover, the angular power spectrum coss-correlations appear to hold the potential to be a viable tool for detecting the imprint of IDE, at z < 0.7.

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D. Duniya
Thu, 24 Mar 22

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures