On the road to percent accuracy: The Reaction Way [CEA]


Taking advantage of the unprecedented statistical power of upcoming cosmic shear surveys will require exquisite knowledge of the matter power spectrum over a wide range of scales. Analytical methods can achieve such precision only up to quasi-linear scales. For smaller non-linear scales we must resort to $N$-body and hydrodynamical simulations, which despite recent technological advances and improved algorithms remain computationally expensive. Over the past decade machine learning and the advent of emulators have propelled our ability to hit the target accuracy with impressive computing efficiency. Yet, realistically these techniques will be able to produce high-precision non-linear matter power spectra only for a restricted sub-set of extensions to the “vanilla” ${\Lambda}$CDM cosmology. I will present a promising alternative to alleviate these shortcomings that draws strength from the combination of halo model, perturbation theory and emulators–the reaction framework. I will show how a power spectrum evolved in the standard cosmology can be readily adjusted to account for physics beyond ${\Lambda}$CDM, and discuss the accuracy of the reaction for well-known modifications to gravity, dark energy parametrizations and massive neutrino cosmologies.

Read this paper on arXiv…

M. Cataneo
Wed, 23 Mar 22

Comments: contribution to the 2022 Cosmology session of the 56th Rencontres de Moriond