Gravitational Waves from Quasi-stable Strings [CL]

We estimate the stochastic gravitational wave spectrum emitted from a network of cosmic strings in which the latter are effectively stable against breaking by monopole pair creation. The monopoles are produced at a higher scale from an earlier symmetry breaking and experience significant inflation before reentering the horizon. This gives rise to monopole-antimonopole pairs connected by string segments and the string loop formation essentially ceases. As a consequence, the lower frequency portion of the gravitational wave spectrum is suppressed relative to the no-inflation case with stable strings, which evades the stringent PPTA bound on the dimensionless string tension $G\mu$. We display the modified spectrum, accessible in the ongoing and future experiments, for $G\mu$ values in the range $10^{-10} – 10^{-15}$. We show how this `quasi-stable’ string network is realized in realistic grand unified theories.

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G. Lazarides, R. Maji and Q. Shafi
Wed, 23 Mar 22

Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures